The random word for today’s drabble is 'school’.
A drabble is a fiction of exactly 100 words. Please clap as much as 50× so Grandpa Medium can see this. Also, leave a comment and share this story if you enjoyed reading.
Joshua sat on the floor beside the window with his magnifying glass in one hand and a plywood in the other. Jason was sucking his thumb as he watched his brother.
“Watch and learn Jason, you'll be amazed,” Joshua gushed over his invention.
He’d positioned the magnifying glass over the wood when Mrs Divine walked in on them.
“What are you kids doing?” she asked and Joshua shot her a lovely smile.
“Practicing the laws of physics and chemistry,” he replied.
“More like setting the school on fire!”
She seized the items and sent them away before informing the parents.
If you enjoyed my story, please check Fiction Shorts for more amazing drabbles like this.
Also, read a long summer ahead by JoEllen Claypool