Dedicated to myself and others who fit this criteria.
She runs as though chased by fire,
Her legs are built to run with the wind,
Like a wild horse, she remains untamed.
Look this way baby girl;
You cannot keep running forever.
Your knees will be weak with age
And sooner than later, you will throw in the towel.
Why are you running? Who is after your life?
Sometimes, you must face these conflicts
Head on, with some sort of determination
To quench the thirst of anger
That arises when you are caught in conflicts.
Like a warrior, you must face it
And like an Emperor, you must sign treaties.
Loosen your guard sometimes,
In life, not all battles end up having a loser or champion:
Some situations call for madness,
Others require a good sense of judgement.
Runner, running won’t fix everything!
©Iyere O. Perpetual