Disclaimer: “No greater love than this, that a man should lay down his life for his friend" — Jesus Christ
I have nothing to draw from,
There’s no source of inspiration
And the moment feels so alive.
Call me crazy, I am lukewarm,
Neither hot nor cold-
Hopefully, I will not be spat out
From the mouth of the Trinity.
My reputation precedes me,
In His presence I flee
Because my sins like dark smoke
Pollutes the glory of His presence.
His hands are stretched to save me
But my guilt defeats His uncompromising-
Love and my feet is so swift to sin.
Even now, He calls me
When I scroll on TikTok,
Through His word He tries to reach me
But my ears are shut up from His loving voice
And the world judges Him unjustly,
I have joined the world to ridicule My Lover;
My lover wept.
I said to myself
'I am not perfect and I can only try'
But He told me I have been bought
With a price and before I loved Him,
He loved me first and called me by name,
He knew me before I was and
He gave me power for the good fight of faith
If only I will believe and hearken to My Lover.